Scouting Around

written by: Sharon Balke

This spring the DRCC graciously approved my application for a soft release cage for songbirds ( think mocking birds, blue jays, robins) and screech owls (think roach killers) for my back yard. The birds would stay in the enclosure for about two weeks, getting use to the sounds, sights and humidity of Timbergrove Manor and then be released into the wild. A Boy Scout who was looking for an Eagle Scout project agreed to build the structure.

Unfortunately, the aspiring Eagle Scout has disappeared and, as I have no contact information for him, I am seeking out another scout who is looking for a project. Panels for the cage have been built. They need to be assembled, a roof put on and gravel laid for the floor. It’s about 12ft. long, 5 ft. wide and 7ft. tall. I have a prototype for viewing.

I’ll provide food, drink and lots of praise for the workers. If anyone is interested, please call me (713) 862-8646.